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Set up costmiku ffsync on Firefox

2 minutes

This has not been written by the RootsourceCC team, but still describes it accurately.

Create a Mozilla account

Go to and follow the "Sign up" steps to create an account.

Configure Firefox Desktop

Please open about:config in your Firefox and point identity.sync.tokenserver.uri to

Configure Firefox based browsers on Android

These steps have to be followed in a strict order. Failing to do it would probably lead to issues. This should also work in Firefox based browsers like Mull (tested) and others.

  • Open Firefox Browser -> Settings -> About Firefox -> tap 5 times in Firefox logo.
  • Go back to Settings -> Account -> you should see a new option Sync Debug, tap on it.
  • Select Custom Sync server and write there your endpoint. It should be
  • Exit Firefox completely, reopen and then follow the steps of "Connect a device" to your Firefox account.
  • After a successful auth process the sync should start working.

Configure Firefox on iOS

Not tested.

  • Open Firefox Browser -> Settings -> About Firefox -> tap on the field with Firefox and version number.
  • Go back to Settings -> Account -> you should see a new option Advanced Sync Settings, tap on it.
  • Toggle Use Custom Sync Token Server and write there your endpoint. It should be
  • You might also need to toggle the switch for custom FxA login server and set it to
  • Exit Firefox completely, reopen and then follow the steps of "Connect a device" to your Firefox account.
  • After a successful auth process the sync should start working.